I vilket fall så måste man ju sysselsätta sig med något de här dagarna där man är i frivillig karantän. Dagarna börjar bli lite enahanda och tråkiga, när man inte får träffa sina vänner och utbyta tankar och ideer om allt möjligt. Som tur är så har vi i alla fall sociala medier där vi kan hålla kontakten med varandra.
For my foreign followers:
As I might have mentioned earlier in one of my blog entrances, I started to make 10 small purses on May 5, 2020, and here I will show you picutres of the last 6 of them, which I managed to finish today. As you may see, it is impossible to make 10 small purses in one day. The most I have been able to manage is making four purses in one day, but that was shurely a very long and intense day stationed at my sewing machine. For those of my friends who know me quite well, you will know that I am very fond of Japanese fabrics or fabrics designed with Japanese inspired motifes. Here you will now see five pictures of small purses with Japanese or Japanese inspired fabrics with flowers, and one small purse with a fantastic print of roses. At least, you can only be trying to be busy with something that gives you a lot of joy and fulfilment, since I and a lot of my friends are in quarantine. The days passing by are getting a little bit boaring, when there is no possibility to meet with friends and exchanging ideas on a lot of different topics. It is good, though, that we can stay in contact with each other through the social media on internet.

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