Jag kommer även att ha öppet i min syateljé den 9 mars 2019, mellan kl. 10.00 - 14.00.
Sedan vill jag påminna om att jag har öppet den 23 mars 2019, mellan kl. 10.00 - 14.00. Då kommer min vän, Torun Labedzki och demonstrerar Deb Tucker Linjaler. Jag tänker även, i samband med det här lilla arrangemanget, bjuda på lite "bubbel" och tilltugg. (OBS! Bubbelvattnet kommer att vara alkoholfritt, så att de av mina kunder som kommer till det här mötet, kan åka hem och sätta sig att sy.
Välkomna både den 9 mars och den 23 mars.
For my foreign followers:
During the Days of this week, I have been working in my studio. Since I received a delivery of fabrics on Friday, March 1, 2019, I had to try to make something of one of these fabrics. I have also managed to make my first small purse with some of the Cork Fabrics, I ordered in Houston during Quilt Market, in November 2018, and receiving the first delivery at the end of December 2018. I have also made a small purse from a fabric with cat faces. This Little bag is going to be sent to an organisation taking care of stray cats and helping these cats to get veterinary help and a better Life. This organization, called "Änglakatten" (or: Cat Angles) is doing a lot of work helping these stray cats. I hope they will be able to sell this Little purse to some cat loving person, so that they can raise some Money to help more stray cats. They are doing a fantastic job.

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