Här i Sverige har vi haft den mest fantastiska sommar på år och dag. Inte sedan 1994 har det varit så fint sommarväder, och om man jämför med förra året, när vädret var betydligt kallare. Det är nästan som om årets sommarvärme är lite för mycket av det goda. Idag har det i alla fall varit relativt svalt på morgonen med en temperatur på 20 grader. Få se om det under dagen blir varmare.
Den gångna veckan har jag i alla fall lyckats sy en liten necessär varje dag, men mer än en har det inte blivit. Här nedan kommer bilderna på vad jag lyckats åstadkomma.
For my foreign friends:
Today, I am waiting for a delivery of fabrics from one of my agents in Denmark. The parcel with the fabrics, have been on the road since June 15, and I received a reminder of payment of the invoice, which should have been paid on July 20, 2018. But it is hard to make a payment if you are not aware of the delivery and if the invoice is included in a parcel which is missing. I had to phone the deliverer, and yesterday I managed to get the information that the parcel was at the delivery center in Uppsala. So, now I am waiting for the delivery, which will be very interesting to find out what fabrics I had ordered. I hope to be able to make something of these new fabrics Before I will go to the 2018 event Quiltköping in the city of Lidköping during August 31, to September 2, 2018. This is such a great event, and it will be so nice to meet all my sewing friends in Sweden.
Here in Sweden, we have had the most fantastic summer weather that we could imagine. The weather has not been so warm since 1994, when we also had a fantastic summer. Sadly to say, that I am longing for some cold. But when the cold weather comes you start to long for the summer warmth.
During the past week I have managed to make one small purse every day, but there has only been one a day. Below you will find the picutres of the small purses. Wishing all my friends a fantastic August months.

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